Chapters Regional Committee Conference (CRC)

Once per year, all ASHRAE chapters send a delegate and an alternate to a meeting of the Chapters Regional Committee (CRC) or Annual Regional Conference (ARC). Among other activities, one of the most important events that happen at the CRC/ARC is the nominating caucus. This caucus is held in executive session with only the chapter delegates and alternates and the Regional Nominating Committee member and alternate in attendance.

UPCOMING 2022 CRC - Regina

Regina will be hosting the Region XI ASHRAE CRC on May 5-7, 2022. Click here for datails.


Region XI Chapters

The following Chapters are included in Region XI:

Click here to see a listing of past and future Region XI CRC's from 1980 to 2030.


2010 CRC - Regina

Regina had the pleasure of hosting the Region XI ASHRAE CRC on May 5-8, 2010. Thank you to Jerry Boulanger for chairing the event, the CRC planning committee for all their hard work, all the Regina Chapter members, and all other Region XI ASHRAE members that attended for making this years' CRC a great success!

Please click on the following links to view the Technical Presentations from 2010 ASHRAE Region XI CRC in Regina, Sask.

2010 ASHRAE Region XI CRC Photos: