There are two forms of membership within ASHRAE:


All ASHRAE Society members are assigned to a Chapter based on their preferred address. As a grassroots organization, ASHRAE membership starts at the Chapter Level. In ASHRAE, Society nourishment comes from Chapters, each supported by volunteer effort. Many of the most rewarding benefits of ASHRAE membership takes place at the local level, especially networking.

Chapters are grouped into one of fifteen (15) geographic Regions (Regina Chapter is part of Region XI) throughout the world to effectively organize chapter efforts; provide volunteer training; and open a communications channel to the Society's Board of Directors. Each Region holds an annual conference that includes a technical program and business session. Nominations for service on many society-level committees are made at these meetings.

Each of the Society's more than 180 Chapters usually meet for a monthly dinner and technical session featuring a noted speaker. This activity brings the latest in technical information to the local level. Chapters also sponsor seminars and lecture series to provide members with more detailed technical information. Some chapters even conduct courses that are not available at local universities for their members and other interested professionals. Chapters also organize social events, which are the highlights of the Chapter year, such as a social Christmas Party (December) and year end Golf Tournament (June).

Public information programs are another important Chapter activity. For example, it is not uncommon for ASHRAE members to hold seminars on energy conservation, or to provide engineering career guidance to young people. In addition, many chapters sponsor scholarships to students attending college and help organize and support ASHRAE student branches.
Chapter Membership Benefits include:

ANNUAL REGINA CHAPTER DUES are collected to support the chapter in hosting meetings and events and awarding scholarships to local students.


A Society membership is required in order to obtain a local Chapter membership. The following is a summary of the different types of Society membership.


ASHRAE membership is open to any person associated with heating, ventilation, air conditioning or refrigeration. ASHRAE is unique because its membership is drawn from a wide range of disciplines relating to the HVAC&R field. Approximately 57,000 individuals from more than 187 ASHRAE Chapters belong to the Society. Among them are students, consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, building owners, and employees of manufacturing companies, educational institutions, research organizations, government or any organization concerned with environmental control. Members range from students to longtime engineers and professionals in other related disciplines such as architecture and medical research. The Society has four grades of membership that are awarded to applicants based on their experience and participation in the industry. A brief description of the grades is shown below. For more detailed information on each grade, click on the grade link below:


The main membership grade offered through ASHRAE. A Member shall have the equivalent of twelve Society-approved years of experience composed of an approved combination of (a) completed education beyond high school, (b) work experience, and (c) professional engineering or related professional registration or license issued by a legally authorized body.

Approved engineering curricula shall be equivalent to that accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology in the United States of America or the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. Scientific education in fields other than engineering shall be from a college or university course of study which has been accredited by an organization charged with monitoring standards of performance. Society-approved years of experience shall be credited as follows:

Membership Online Application

Membership Download Application

Associate Member

The main membership grade for those who have not yet met the twelve Society-approved years of experience requirements.

Qualifications: An Associate Member shall have had experience in technical matters or in the design, operation, or maintenance in HVAC&R fields; shall have an interest in the advancement of the Society’s aims, and shall possess sufficient qualifications to cooperate with HVAC&R engineers in the advancement of the knowledge relating to HVAC&R engineering and its application.

To advance from Associate to Member, a member should update his/her bio online and send an email to indicating a desire to advance.

Affiliate Member

An introductory membership grade offered through ASHRAE. This membership grade can only be held for three (3) years.


Student Member

A membership grade offered to students enrolled in an approved course of study in a Society-related field.

Qualifications: Must be a full-time student.

Recent student member graduates are eligible to advance directly to the Associate Member grade at significantly reduced rates through ASHRAE’s SmartStart Program. This 3-year program is available only to candidates who have been Student members for at least one year.

Student Membership Application

Student SmartStart Transfer Form


Society Membership Benefits include:

If you would like to become an ASHRAE Member or have any membership questions, please contact Chris Klatt at 306.525.9815 or email Chris at cklatt AT

Should you have additional questions regarding Chapter membership, please feel free to contact the ASHRAE Membership Development Manager at 404.636.8400.